Friday, November 14, 2008

Inch loss update.

Today is November 14th, This writing is from November 7th.  I've had some challenges this last week and I haven't worked out as much.  I strained my hip working out on Sunday and over doing it.  I worked out for 75 minutes on the elliptical and was feeling so energized.  But, I also went backwards on the dang thing and I think that's what did it.  I don't have a lot of control on the machine when I'm going backwards.  I was flying!  The next day I suffered and my hip was very sore.  I'm still dealing with the pain involved and didn't work out for 3 days.  Even though I was still sore last night I still worked out.  I probably could have worked out the night before but I thought it would be painful.  As it turned out, it wasn't painful to work out and I ended up just sabotaging myself by not working out.  But, I'm trying to keep in mind that it was just a mistake not working out and it's a marathon not a sprint.  So, I made it 55 minutes which is now becoming my standard workout.  Weekends after sleeping in and no real time constraints seems to be where I can make it the extra 15-20 minutes.  I noticed after my last weekend work out that made me sore the next day actually gave me more energy than before it.  That wasn't expected.  Usually after a workout of that magnitude I'm tired afterwards and not very energetic.  But, this last weekend that turned around for me and I felt like I still had energy to burn.  I also had problems this week with food.  I ate cake at a baby shower then came home to make cranberry bars and banana bread as well.  I ate them at work and didn't eat lunch!  Not good nutrition in the long run and my blood sugars paid a price.  They were up and I'm transitioning to different medications as well and that just didn't help.  However, the week prior to this I have noticed that my blood sugars had dropped on their own and I was going low blood sugar more often.  This is a great thing and one of my main priorities.  Wouldn't it be great to go off medications?  Anyway, so not so many big inches since the last update.  But significant none the less.  I've made my totals like this four inches down on my chest, 1 1/2 inches down on my waist, 1 1/2 inches down on my arm, 1 1/2 inches on my leg and 3 inches on my hips.  This is a total, of  11 inches on my body total.  Not bad.  No weight loss yet.  But again inches are better for me right now and still my expected outcome.


Cassandra, James and Madison& Eli said...

Keep it up Auntie!!! We love you

Victoria Stanley said...

That is great!!! Congratulations, you are lookin' gorgeous as always! Keep it up! Love ya